Monday 3 August 2020

Thin Hair To Thick Hair, How To Get Thicker Hair

Thin Hair To Thick Hair, How To Get Thicker Hair

Take two to three fresh ginger roots and chop them into small pieces after that put them in a mixer jar and grind them to make a paste after the paste is ready squeeze out the juice using a sieve you can also make use of cheesecloth to extract the juice then add about two teaspoons of melted coconut oil to the ginger juice mix it well then gently apply the juice on your scalp mainly focusing on the bald patches leave it on for about 30 minutes then wash off with shampoo you can use this juice once or twice in a week but before applying the juice on your scalp make sure you do a patch test first a fresh ginger root contains magnesium potassium and vitamins that provide your hair follicles with nourishment making them strong and
preventing hair loss gingers active ingredients helps relax blood vessels and thereby improves the circulation of blood this allows for the improved nourishment of hair follicles ensuring faster hair growth dandruff can lead to hair loss this happens because the dead skin cells clog your follicles leading to hair fall ginger has potent antimicrobial properties that help control dandruff and in turn herbs hair loss the stimulating effects of ginger work to increase the scope circulation and encourage healthy hair growth ginger can feel antioxidant which helps to fight free radicals these free radicals can damage hair cells and cause hair thinning and hair loss ginger is also a great hair conditioner rich in minerals and essential oils it makes hair more manageable softer and shinier.

Fenugreek for hair growth

Method 1. 
shake about half a bowl of fenugreek seeds in the water and leave them soaked overnight. filter the water next morning. you can either use this water to rinse your hair after shampoo to make them soft and manageable. or you can fill a spray bottle with this water and use it on your scalp for hair growth. 
Method 2. 
To make fenugreek oil, take 2 tbsp fenugreek seeds and full of curry leaves. roast them on allow flame and put  them in a mixture jar to grind them to a fine powder. heat 2 tbsp of fenugreek seed and curry leaves to it on a low medium flame, turn off the flame and let the cool down. strain the oil and it is ready to use. to use it as hair tonic. heat fenugreek with coconut oil then apply the warm oil on your scalp. you will be amazed as to how this wonderful concoction will boost your hair growth. you can also make a hair pack and use it to control dandruff and keep your scalp healthy and clean. 
Method 3. 
Make a paste of fenugreek seeds and 2 tbsp of yogurt you can make use of left over seeds after filturning the water to hair pack to boost hair growth. fenugreek seeds have been used for a long time prevent the graying of hair. they have properties that help hair retain its pigment. its help delay graying. fenugreek extremely effective in strengthening the hair from the roots and treating 
follicular problems. they are a good protein that strengthen the hair shaft and prevent breakage. it also helps to make your hair look shiny and glossy. when soaked in water the seeds produce a slippery substance that imparts shine to your. fenugreek is also rich in iron, which is good for your blood circulation. the seeds help in moisturiing the hair and bringing back the luster and bounce. 

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