Thursday 27 February 2020

15 Amazing Beauty Remedies For Glowing Skin

 15 Amazing Beauty Remedies For Glowing Skin 


Take one small to medium size tomato and cut it into small cubes now chopped  the tomato cubes and make a paste. when paste is ready extract the juice now take about one to two teaspoons of aloe vera gel and add one teaspoon of tomato juice to it add few drops of tea tree oil and mix it well now apply on your face and leave it overnight next morning wash your face with cold water use this remedy daily. tomato gel helps to treat pimples blackheads and acne. it also helps to reduce dark spots and it helps to bright your skin giving you a natural glow you can use this gel below your eyes to remove dark under-eye circles and under eye wrinkles. tomato gel contains a high amount of vitamin C which is known to brighten skin. it provides an amazing natural skin treatment and you can make the skin look younger and healthy with less efforts sunburnt skin can also be treated by applying tomato on the affected parts. I hope you liked this remedy.

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